
Great new anime I recently watched which left a lasting impression on me was:

Terra e... (Toward the Terra)

It was liscenced in the U.S. not too long ago and I'm sure it will be available in DVD format some time soon. The whole anime is about 24 episodes and it's storyline is extremely fast paced. I usually have a hard time watching sci-fi anime, especially with the crappy ending of Gundam Wing and it's consequent lack of closure, I've all but given up on mecha/sci-fi anime. This anime deals more with the doomsday theme and what happens to humans thousands of years after that. The 24 episodes of the anime also take place in a very extended period of time, skipping 2, 8, 10 years at a time. But the best part is that the story doesn't become boring at any point and it keeps you on the edge of your seat. Besides all this the graphics are amazing!!! Originally based on a manga, which has also been released in the U.S., this anime first had a movie made in the 1980's. The best part for me though was the fact that UVERworld sang the 1st theme song for this series ENDSCAPE, which is also one of their best ^_____^ Basically look out for this series because it's storyline is riviting, mind-blowing and sooooo worth the money you spend on it!!!


I am starved for time.....

There just doesn't seem to be enough time nowadays....I mean between college and work I hardly have time for anything at all...but well...I guess times like this come about too. Right now I really don't have much to do, especially since my midterms just finished and I'll be starting on my research papers this Saturday (God willing)...Especially since I know I'm the laziest person on this planet and things just don't seem to get done most of the time. I haven't been able to write anything on my blog since freshman year of college...*sigh* Neeways I wanna talk about some of my dramas in the next post!! Ja ne!