
Vampire Knight Forum is back!

Wahoooo!! It's been about 2 weeks since the forum was out. Starting around the 19th-31st of January...that's when I decided to start this blog because I was soooooo bored without my anime discussion pals T_T I'm just sooo glad they're back online!!! I love 'em cuz they're just amazing people to talk to anime aside. It's no joke! I love all the members that are on the forum because they are so caring, understanding, thoughtful, interesting, in love with vampires, and I could just go on and on.

Sakujun DIED!!!!!

OH MY GODDDDDDD!!!!!!! *sobbing* I didn't think he'd die!! I mean I really wanted his character to die but....but...but.......oooooohhhhh my godddddd!! It was sooooo extremely emotional!! I'm the person who absolutely dispised him for the way he was using Shuurei!! And then the way he kept on saying her name until he died....it was so heartbreaking....I almost cried...I mean I had to stop my tears from flowing cuz there are two girls sitting right next to me and besides that I'm sitting in my university's library...T_T I dunno what to do now.....he really did love Shuurei...even to the bitter end...and he did get poisoned...by Seiran...my heart's still fluttering in my chest and it hurts...I still can't believe he died...

They actually made me feel sorry for the idiot....but at the same time I'm really glad that he got what he deserved...after all the people he'd murdered and the way he'd used Seiran...the revenge was perfect....I hope Shuurei finds out about all the horrible things he'd done and forget about him...cuz Ryuuki's waiting for her...he's sooo cute at the end of this episode (ep. 35) he's all blushing and pink thinking about how much he loves Shuurei....I don't know the dialogue exactly but man...that was such an emotional rollercoaster ride!!!


These screenshots are the courtesy of THATAnime.Blog.V2.o


There is always a limit

GAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I never, never, never, want to babysit sick kids again!!!!!!! I kid you not there were eight of them and at least 3 would be crying at the same time!!! and then to top all the shit off we had to have a family friend with two kids around the ages of 5 and 1 come and stay over for the night *screams* and the little boy has been driving me nuts!!!! he just keeps coming up to me and asking me the stupidest questions imaginable and not only that but he repeats those questions over and over and over and over again!!!!!!!!!!! With an atmosphere like this my parents actually expect me to sit down and STUDY??!!!!!!! I so seriously want to tell him to shut the hell up and leave me ALONE!!! *slowly losing my patience and controlling my anger till I'm about to bust*



hmmmm....went to sleep around 6pm maybe? yeah I think so...but I just woke up and I'm in no mood to do any school work...really....just want to go right back to sleep and I believe I will do just that! *hehehehe* neeways....I'm going to end my nice little rambling by posting some of my fave pics on here....

Saiunkoku Monogatari is probably the best show on this planet! I'm soooo hooked on to it and I think you guys should check it out too. Well...if you're an anime fan, whether you're a guy or girl, this show is absolutely AMAZING!!!!! I'll probably be giving a more complete synopsis on this series some other day but yeah definately check it out, I'm telling you, you will not regret it ^_^

In the first scene it's first meeting between the main characters of the story, Kou Shuurei and Shi Ryuuki. In the second one it's long-lost brotherly love just pouring in massive amounts between Shi Seiran and Shi Ryuuki. Not to mention they're both extremely good looking. Now that's what you call BISHOUNEN!!

Here once again are Kou Shuurei and Shi Ryuuki. They make such a good couple, neh?

想い 麿 guys 如く これら 素晴らしい 像 , 儘 I'm オフ 付き bed! 又もや...

I was late!!! An hour late!!!

I can't believe what happened today!! I was soooo embarrassed!! Gawd....It all started this morning when the class that I'd actually stayed up for till 2 a.m. last night, WORKING, was cancelled. This class is at freakin 8:00 in the morning too...T__T gahhhhh...so now I'm tired and I've got tons of reading to do...

Okay so because of this class I've been totally out of balance with time and about an hour later I was sure that my next class would be at 10:40 - 12:05...So after I finished watching episode 34 of Saiunkoku Monogatari, I went to class and the door was locked. Now I'm left to wonder why the door would be closed if I'm so much as 2 minutes late. I didn't think I'd get in there for a second which sent my heart racing. But then the student aide opened the door and the spotlight fell on my face....That was all I needed to make me feel like I wanted to go invisible....jeez...not only am I a few minutes late (at least that's what I thought at the time) but there was literally light shining right down in my face. It was like entering a prison or something *shivers* I sit down right up front, as in practically in the teacher's face and take out my notebook and pen and start jotting down notes....

Twenty minutes later class was over....I was completely and utterly stunned...I sat there for what seemed like an eternity, "What the heck had just happened?" I wonder. Now what had happened was that I had waltzed into class and hour late acting like it was just a few minutes......Gahhhh I actually had to go up to the teacher and explain it all to her in front of the rest of my 250 classmates filing out of class looking at me like I was a total freak! *sobs* It was terrible I tell you!!! I wasn't expecting her to even look at me but she was very understanding and all she said was, "You're going to have to read Chapter 3 and get the notes from someone you know." Turning around I saw the student worker who works at my dad's department....I wanted to disappear or just melt away....but she just smiled and said that she'd let me borrow her notes. I'm glad I have her in my class.

Only to find out 20 minutes later that most of the notes that I had just made copies of were ones that we'd already gone over last class and not only that but, the entire slideshow that she went over is available on line.....that was it.....the breaking point.....I just had to laugh like crazy at that point...

The lesson I learned....GOD SAVED ME FROM BOREDOM!!!!!!!!!! or what I would like to call a Coencidential Miracle!!!


And we begin the endless cycle again....-__-;;

Here starts the second week of the spring semester and for the next three months or so, everyday is going to be exactly the same (which personally speaking would be a blessing). Considering that during the first semester my grandmother passed away and only two weeks later I had to have emergency surgery because of an infection near my tailbone area. It was so hard to concentrate on anything! I'm just glad I didn't fail all of my courses and did relatively well. But it made me switch my major from Art to Political Science. I mean when I came back I had 8 projects each worth upto nine hours of work that I had to complete within the last 2 weeks of the semester....not to mention all the other work I'd missed for 3 other classes.

Then I also had the winter break to thank for my change of mind. I mean when I really thought about it, I had complained so much about those 3 hour classes and not to mention the massive amount of supplies I spend like a couple of hundred dollars on. They were such a hassle to carry! Gahhhhhh!! Especially on rainy days when I had to walk around with that humongous portfolio. And the assignments, I hadn't realized how much I resented being restricted. The way all of my assignments had tons and tons of "guidelines" on what I could and could not use was unbelieveable! I really wanted to scream at the fact that I couldn't even use the colors or subject matter that I wanted. And anime...forget anime, "It's not considered an art form," is what I was told, "because it's too generic. I mean it's all the same!" GAHHHHHHH!!! How can you say that if you don't even know what anime is in the first place???!!!!!! Neeways...so I quit being an Art major. My mom had a big hand in it too though she said to me, "You can't make your hobby into a career. You like to draw when you're inspired, not when someone is forcing you to do it." [CLICK!] *that was my brain by the way* I mean it hit me then that art was just not something I could make into a career cuz I can't work on someone else's terms. "It's either my way or the high way."

良い 夜分 対して 扨 誰も! 麿 力 役職 又もや 仮令.


Hello to Fellow Bloggers!!!

Yes, this is Miyako speaking and you will find that I am frequently going to put the most randomest things on this blog. Being a first year college student doesn't really give me enought time to breath and well.....to be obsessed with anime on top of that isn't a really great thing either. I mean I'd be an Anime major (if colleges actually had something like that I would even get a PhD in it) which sadly enough they don't. But overall I'm culturally oriented, meaning I love learning about new cultures their traditions, languages and histories.

以上 有り得べき 参入 鳴る 肉屋 其れ故 良い 鍛錬 マイクロエレクトロニクス! 麿 全く 欠乏 ・邦人 又 今迄 ザ 暦年 麿 do I'll be using an online 訳者. 対して 誰も who speaks 邦人 アウト 彼方 I'm 全く 済みません.