From today onwards I shall be chronicling a relatively new anime called Claymore. Orignally it was a manga and was later on adapted into an anime format. From what I have researched, the manga is available in English licensed by Viz. Here is a list of the episodes and when they're going to be aired (Tuesdays). If you want any other information please feel free to use the links provided at the bottom.
2007-04-03 1. Big Sword -Claymore- SCENE01. 「大剣 -クレイモア-」 Dai ken -KUREIMOA-
2007-04-10 2. The Black Card SCENE02. 「黒の書」 Kuro no sho
2007-04-17 3. Darkness in Paradise SCENE03. 「まほろばの闇」 Ma horo ba no yami
2007-04-24 4. Clare's Awakening SCENE04. 「クレアの覚醒」 KUREA no kakusei
2007-05-01 5. Teresa of the Faint Smile SCENE05. 「微笑みのテレサ」 Bishou mi no Teresa
2007-05-08 6. Teresa and Clare SCENE06. 「テレサとクレア」 Teresa to Clare
2007-05-15 7. The Mark of the Deceased SCENE07. 「死者の烙印」 Shisha no rakuin
2007-05-22 8. Awakening SCENE08. 「覚醒」 Kakusei
2007-05-29 9. Those Who Cut Down and Tear (Part 1) SCENE09. 「斬り裂く者たち(1)」 Kiri saku mono tachi (1)
*Info from Anime News Network
Official website:
Avex's Claymore Website (Japanese)
Claymore @ VAP (Japanese) (Japanese)
NTV's Claymore Website (Japanese)
クレイモア アニメ情報 (Japanese)
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