
I'm done with Finals!!!! w00t w00t *New Music*

*jumps around* I am so excited that this semester is done and over with cuz I just about went crazy....sheesh....I've decided that Fall semester are the worst. I'm just glad it's over and I don't have to worry about it any more exams or anthropology for that matter...gahhh...*shivers* Neeways I'm soooo ready for this holiday season, I'll be working through most of it, other than the 10 days I get off. Definately looking forward to doing what I want instead of what I have to do.
In the past few months I haven't really had the chance to find or watch new shows but I did get to listen to a lot of new and old music ^__^ Here's a bit of what I've heard recently:

~NEWS [new album] Pacific & [new single] Weeek!
1) Ai Nante - 愛なんて- Such a thing as Love

2) Ai no Matador -愛のマタドール - Matador of Love
3) Nantoka Narusa - なんとかなるさ-It'll happen Somehow

4) Weeek!

~Gackt - 神威 楽斗 - Kamui Gakuto [Singles]
1) Vanilla
2) Returner ~Yami no Shuuen~ RETURNER~闇の終焉~
3) Mizerable

~UVERworld - ウーバーワールド, Ūbāwārudo
1) Shaka Beach ~Laka Laka La
2) Ukiyo Crossing - 浮世CROSSING

~Asian Kung-Fu Generation
1)After Dark - アフターダーク

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